IMPACT can provide training for counsellors, professionals who deal with people, managers and precise client groups. Our workshops and courses are interactive and creative with specific aims of provide measurable outcomes, and useful information that will maximise performance.
Our trainers are experienced practitioners and trainers who enable participants to identify and maximise their skills alongside other professionals. We believe in a positive action approach "opportunity not problem" and that people learn best when they are relaxed and have some "fun" in a structured event.
To effectively meet the demands of work and home everyone needs time to develop, update their knowledge and skills and to take care of themselves. Recognising the signs of stress, identifying when it is becoming unmanageable and learning ways to reduce it are crucial to all professionals. Increasingly "a good nights sleep" is essential for a healthy lifestyle and reducing stress.
We have developed unique courses for Carers, enabling to help them address their own needs and manage the difficulties they may experience in their caring role. These have proved very popular.
IMPACT has experience of working with a range of organisations following a traumatic event. Many staff and organisations interacting with people are likely to experience a traumatic event at some time, from staff being assaulted to the death of a client. To support organisations, we have developed a range of workshops to help managers to develop a planned response and enable managers and staff to understand the effects on themselves and others.
We have number of courses available and would be happy to discuss how any one of these would suit your organisational needs. If you don't see what you want or would like any more information about any of the following courses contact us and we would be happy to talk about what we could offer.
The consequences of ignoring the impact of trauma can be considerable, and there is a growing awareness of how this affects not only the individual practitioner but also the wider team and the organisation as a whole.